Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The "California Incident"

I had written this long, rambling blog post about my last trip to California for work then I decided even I was bored and rolling my eyes at my whiny post. So I trashed it and decided on a quick recap instead.

My flight, for once, was great! Met some lovely women on the plane and had great conversation about life and dogs and work and more. We even exchanged business cards and cellphone numbers. I thought, “This trip is going to be great!”

Then I had an extreme allergic reaction to something in the hotel where I stay every time I travel to California for work. I ended up in the ER twice, became unresponsive during the second visit, and spent the rest of the week and a half long trip on steroids and antihistamines. That could have gone better.

Once I switched hotels, the itching and burning that covered me from head to toe finally started to get better, but it had been almost a full week before we figured out the culprit. To say I was not on my A-game that week is an understatement.

But I’m still thankful for the trip. It allowed me to see how great my coworkers in that office are. They really rallied and came to my rescue. I can’t say thank you enough to Terri and Diane for taking me to the ER and the drug store (they each did this at separate times). And also to Diane for letting me wash my clothes at her house while we were still trying to figure out the reason for my reaction.

Twitter and Facebook can be so depressing, but then sometimes in real life, people can restore your faith in humanity in one day. Thank you, ladies! You truly went above and beyond!

Having said all that, I’m waiting for an appointment with an allergist to further pinpoint the issue. Good times! But hey, it could have been worse. And soon, I’ll have more info.

“Yeah, yeah,” you say. “Where is book three, you slacker?”

Valid question. I suck and am slow, but I want book three to blow you away, and I think when I’m done hacking and slashing the rough draft, it will. I’m working on it. Hang in there. And thanks for wanting it!

Have a great week, everyone!