Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Tales from the Bathroom (yes, you read that right)

Bear with me. Trying to be super-duper, fancy-dancy by writing on an app instead of my laptop like a hipster. I wanna be cool like everyone I see at Starbucks. Anyway...

Recently, I had the great privilege of participating in a podcast. While talking to this fun group of geeks, I told a bathroom story (bonus content for the tenacious listener, by the way). As I used the bathroom at the drug store, I realized I had posted about an encounter in a bathroom in an earlier blog post. Then I thought of the amount of times I post rants about public bathrooms to one of my private Facebook groups. This made me pause. Why am I so fascinated with public bathrooms? Should I seek professional help? Maybe. But c'mon, public bathrooms are weird.

Why does one decide to carry on a super personal phone call while sitting on a toilet in a public restroom? You can't control other people's flushes or, God forbid, bodily function sounds. I could write a whole blog post about that alone (I heard someone yell, "Dear Lord!" in the bathroom stall next to me, and it took me three minutes to realize she was on the phone and not just exclaiming about her business).

And I witness some very personal conversations in there. I think this happens more in women's bathrooms than men's, but I can't swear to that since I don't spend much time in men's bathrooms. Lots of gossip in women's bathrooms. Enough so that my office building posted a no loitering sign in the downstairs bathroom. I promise I'm not making this up.

But what fascinates me is when business goes down in there.

"Wow! What a great work-related idea you've had! Why don't you give me your business card? Um... AFTER you've washed your nasty, peebody hands."

I've gleaned valuable life lessons from the bathroom. The most important is this: Poop is the other great equalizer on life. Everyone has to poop, and no looks hoity-toity sitting on the toilet. We're all the same. There's death and poop.

Guess it only makes sense I'd be preoccupied with bathrooms.