Sunday, August 9, 2020

Don't Let Bad Witcher 3 Endings Happen to You

 So I've started doing something, y'all. For a while I was lost deep, deep in the world of Red Dead Redemption 2 with Arthur Morgan and the Van Der Linde gang. Once I finally OD'ed on that, I turned to Witcher 3 in anticipation of the Netflix show. Yes, I know it was actually released in 2015, but Oh. My. Goodness. When asked how many hours I've spent on this game, I checked... 29 DAYS. DAYS, y'all, not hours! Having said that, I've started to lend my expertise to Gamers Decide, and they've been kind enough to let me. 

To get started, allow me to save you from the table-flipping moment I had when I finished the game on my first playthrough. If you don't mind spoilers (this article is the ultimate in spoilers), here is a guide to getting all three of the endings for the main game. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor.


Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Finally, No More Homework... Wait, I'm a Writer...Homework for LIFE!

For the last couple of months I have been even less visible than my normal ghost-like social media presence. I did not die. I have not been in a coma. I did not go on a sabbatical to find the real me.

I have been in online college classes completing my associate degree in general studies. The last two classes were only offered concurrently so I could either take both full time courses at once or wait until the end of the year to finish. The lie I told myself was, "It's only seven weeks. I can take them both. It won't be that bad."

It was that bad. I have made plenty of mistakes in my life. This has been added to the list. With online college courses, the school crams an entire semester of work into seven weeks. I took two of those and worked full time as well.

I would like to say I bore this bravely, but I did not. If you know me in real life, you are very aware of this trial because you had to hear about it. A lot. And I kinda neglected everything else in real life.

People were like, "Hey! I would love you to celebrate with me this wonderful, once-in-a-lifetime change I'm going through."

I was like, "Nah. I got homework."

I'm happy to report, though, as of Sunday night, I turned in the absolute last assignment for both classes and am just awaiting my confirmation of my approval for graduation. Woohoo! I'm so glad to be done.

I'm sharing this information through my blog to let you know one of my 2020 goals is to finish revisions on the third installment of The Seodrassian Chronicles. I've missed Rhys, Daeg, Braeden, Gunna, Machar, Lydia, Guinnen... I could go on, but hopefully you already know everyone I'm missing because maybe you miss them as well. Before the last two classes, I had already started the rewrite of book three so progress has been made. I hope to see a massive increase in speed now that homework isn't hanging over my head. We'll be back in Seodrass soon, my friends. Soon.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Welcome to 2020!

I mean, really. You do it. I do it. We all do it. "This year is gonna be sooooo much better! I'm going to fix everything!" We might set ourselves up for a little bit of failure. 

Still, there's something to be said for using a new year as a starting point for better habits as long as those habits and goals are reasonable with real plans. Personally, my resolution this year is the same as always: more writing. This year looks to be more plausible. I am taking my last two online classes for my degree (like Tommy Boy, my degree will have only taken something like seven years) and will be done by March. Hooray!!! I'm only 150 years old. It's all good.

I have been continuing to sneak in some book three writing around work, school, and the holidays, and it's been satisfying. And here's the thing. As a writer, I enjoy my characters and my story, but occasionally, a scene will just set me on fire for a book even if I've been working on it for a while. I had a scene like that happen. My Labor Day nap breakthrough (read my last post from forever ago) really paid off. I cannot wait to get this book done and out to you guys. I really, really think you're gonna like it! I've got a few surprises in store for you. Please don't give up on me! I'm still alive. Still writing. Still dreaming. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful 2020!