First, let me say... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!! Expect more Christmas-related social media posts before it's all over. Now, onto the blog post.
I recently visited the dentist for my routine cleaning. The hygienist is a reader. Every six months, she asks, "How's the writing going?" with quite the expectant and hopeful look in her eye. And every time, I squirm. I promise. There are more Seodrassion Chronicles books coming. I'm still in revisions of Book Three. I have other projects running at the same time, and some other stuff happening. But I promise, it's coming.
Also, I'm interested in some feedback. I have a couple of Seodrassian novellas in the works. Is that something any of you would be interested in? The idea is to fill the space between books with some short tales of the adventures of our favorite characters. Some are Rhys and Daeg, but some are other characters from the books. Some are new characters. Anyway, let me know what you think.
Now I ask you to indulge my straight-up geeky side. Rhys is a video game designer because I love video games. So where have I been recently? Well, New Hanover, Lemoyne, West Elizabeth. Never heard of these places? That's because they're fictional. I have been drowning in Red Dead Redemption II (RDR2 going forward).
I can't get enough of this game so I wanted to give it a pretty thorough review. There will be SOME SPOILERS. I will try to keep them to a minimum, but some are unavoidable. Look away now if you are trying to avoid ANY SPOILERS. Readers, beware. This is an M-rated game and earned that rating. Lots of language, explicit content, bloody violence. Not for children.
Right up front, I will tell you I loved, loved, loved Red Dead Redemption. It is, hands-down, one of my all-time favorite games. So you can imagine how impatiently I've waited for Red Dead Redemption II. I promise you. The wait was worth every. single. minute.
Early on, there were rumors that the second game would be a prequel. This made sense to me as the first game takes place in 1911 as the old west dies out and gunslingers find themselves out of place. In order to keep that theme, Rockstar would have to rewind.
One of the first concepts I heard included the playable characters being Seth and Irish from the first game. I hoped that wasn't the case as I wanted to play a heroic character, and, frankly, those characters were funny side characters, but I didn't want to be them. John Marston's character was fascinating because he was a hero, but he did some pretty awful things - before the game and during the game. Still, his quest was noble, and I enjoyed being in his shoes.
Rockstar did make RDR2 a prequel, but the game follows Dutch Van Der Linde's gang. Once I knew that, my attitude changed. The first game hinted at what made John Marston into John Marston, but they only hinted. I wanted to know more. However, the idea of following Dutch's gang was also bittersweet for those of us who experienced the first game. You basically know everything's going to go to pot from the onset. Still, I wanted to know.
The release of this game hit at the perfect time for me since it came out just a few days before my charity 24-hour gaming marathon through Extra Life that raises money for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals (I busted through my goal this year, by the way!). I had read that RDR2 had at least 80 hours of game play so what better to play for 24 hours? And I absolutely played this game for the full 24 hours.
The first few hours, though, I wanted to cry. It was tedious. Boring, even. The game starts off in a ridiculously bad snowstorm. The gang has just escaped the law into the mountains and is simply trying to survive the snow and lay low. If you play this game, tough it out. It is worth it. This is how you learn the new controls - interacting with characters, shooting, choosing weapons, riding your horse, using "Eagle Eye," etc.
The game picked up once Dutch's gang finally left the mountain. You are Arthur Morgan, one of the senior members of the gang. Side note, I kinda fell in love with this character over the course of the game. Who knew Rockstar could be so romantic? Sometimes gross, but surprisingly sweet with Arthur.
Over the course of the game, the gang moves to several base locations where you can do chores to improve your Dead Eye capabilities, improve or ruin your relationship with fellow gang members, sleep, eat, shave, and craft over an open fire. You can hear interesting conversations between the others which give backstory and show the deteriorating mood of the group as time wears on.
Another awesome feature is your horse. Rockstar really put a lot into the horses. You start off with one horse and acquire another. Throughout the game, you can catch wild horses, steal horses, and buy horses. Important to game play is bonding with your horse and purchasing better gear. I spent a lot of time brushing my horse and feeding him. Also, you can pet the doggos you encounter, and I did a lot of that, too. What can I say? I love animals.
The map is ridiculously HUGE and dynamic. The towns are full of interesting people and "strangers." The lands are teeming with huntable wildlife and pickable plants. Now in my second play-through, I'm spending a lot of time just exploring and interacting with people and locations. Tons and tons of Easter Eggs (no shock there).
The writers did a fantastic job of making the slow fracturing of the gang gut-wrenching. My heart broke over some of the events, and I either got very attached to characters or really wanted them to meet their demise (at my hands, if possible).
There were at least two controller-dropping moments. I will not even give hints to them other to say they included gang members. One of which literally made me drop my controller. On my second play through, I recorded it so I could make others watch it and cringe with me. I'm a nice friend like that.
Honestly, there is sooooo much to say about this game. I could go on and on and on, but it's pretty obvious I love Red Dead Redemption II. Honestly, I would much rather have a really long wait and get a game like this than have a company rush a glitchy, half-done game out the door (cough, cough, Fallout 76, cough). This was worth the wait.
Anyway, hit me up in the comments if you want more discussion or have questions I didn't answer. Be careful with spoilers, though. I haven't been working so I had a lot of time to slug through the game. People with real jobs and lives will take a lot longer just because it's a really, really long story so let's not ruin it for everyone!
Happy holidays, friends!!!
The place for updates on The Seodrassian Chronicles and other writings as well as occasional (and hopefully entertaining) musings.
Friday, December 21, 2018
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Authors Invade Columbia 2018 - The Aftermath
Last Saturday, I attended Authors Invade Columbia in Columbia, South Carolina. What a blast! I had so much fun talking to attendees and other authors. I haven't done many events like this so far, to be completely honest, so I glanced around with my business partner at all the other tables and grimaced. People had really cool swag and huge posters. We exchanged looks, and I said, "Welp. Guess we'll have to rely on my charm." Haha! I was very lucky because attendees were simply great and gracious and my lack of charm went unnoticed. No one seemed to overlook us because we didn't have big posters (though we made a list of things to create for the next event). We took a couple of pictures, and if these aren't the story of my life, nothing else properly reflects it. I'm either sparkling or grumpy as all crap.
Good Bethanie!

Bad Bethanie! I look like a cartoon character! I really needed more coffee. And no, I have no idea why I was making that face.

Anyhoo... I'm looking forward to doing more events like this one in 2019, and I'll keep everyone posted. Hope to see y'all there!
Good Bethanie!

Bad Bethanie! I look like a cartoon character! I really needed more coffee. And no, I have no idea why I was making that face.

Anyhoo... I'm looking forward to doing more events like this one in 2019, and I'll keep everyone posted. Hope to see y'all there!
Friday, October 12, 2018
A Peek Into the Future
I know, I know. I say this every time I post: I am working on Book Three of The Seodrassian Chronicles. For background, when I started writing this series, I sat down and basically wrote a rough draft of books one, two, three, and four. It just poured out of me like brain diarrhea (Gross, right?). Then the hard part of being a writer started: editing. After editing and finalizing the first two books, I sat down to the next book and said, "Um. Yeah. This doesn't make sense anymore." Soooo... I have had to do a LOT of rewriting, outlining, etc.
In the meantime, here's just a little teaser from what I have so far. DISCLAIMER: POTENTIAL SPOILERS and as this is a work in progress, it is subject to change before final release.
In the meantime, here's just a little teaser from what I have so far. DISCLAIMER: POTENTIAL SPOILERS and as this is a work in progress, it is subject to change before final release.
Haha. I love these ladies. I think you'll love them, too. I apologize for the wait, but I hope you'll find it worth it in the end. Have a great weekend, everyone!Teagan felt achy and when she woke on a soft mattress, ensconced in deliciously warm blankets. She stretched her stiff legs and arms beneath the covers before her eyes fluttered open. Panic gripped her as she took in the stone room around her. Stone walls, floor, ceiling—like a castle. A fire burned low in a stone fireplace on one wall. Pleasant sunshine streamed in from a tall, thin window. A vase of roses graced a small wooden table in the corner which held a porcelain pitcher and basin with water. Teagan sucked in a breath as she inspected the feather bed and soft blankets made from a material she didn’t recognize. Everything was rustic—practically medieval. How had she gotten here? Where was here?She slid her legs from beneath the covers and looked at her black tights. She saw her black boots and gray jacket on an armchair in another corner. The outfit had almost been too warm for South Carolina in the spring, but it was her nicest, and she wanted to look professional as she tried to save Howard Maxwell’s life.Howard. Memories of the prison parking lot assailed her. The strangers, the confrontation, the violet shield that had covered her and Howard. She vaguely then remembered trying to escape from an SUV and being taken down by the ridiculously good-looking guy. He hadn’t hurt her, but she was sore. The other woman had shot her with… something. What was that stuff?A door she hadn’t noticed near the fireplace opened, and a young woman with sleek black hair and almond-shaped brown eyes entered the room with a tray. She placed it on the wooden table and smiled at Teagan. “You are awake. Welcome to Seodrass. I regret the queen could not be here to greet you. She stayed for a long time, but the king insisted she get some sleep. She has been ill.”The woman walked to the side of the bed and held out a hand. “My name is Alannah. I am assigned to serve you until further notice.” Teagan stared at the woman’s dainty, tan hand. She wore a long, flowing blue dress that laced up the front and swept the floor. She looked Asian but wore what looked like European medieval garb and spoke with the same strange accent she’d heard from the man who had caught her in the field. The woman’s smile didn’t falter as she continued to hold her hand out, but she said, “The queen said I am to stand her like this until you shake my hand.”Teagan swallowed hard and took the woman’s hand, surprised by the strength of her handshake. The woman clapped her other hand over Teagan’s with an open expression. “Thank you. She warned me it might be a while so I am glad you did not make me wait long.”“Where am I?” Teagan asked, her voice rough with lack of use.“This is the royal castle of Seodrass. You were brought here by the king and queen for your safety,” Alannah explained.“For my safety?” She shook her head. “Where is Seodrass?”“Our lands border several different kingdoms—Griogair, Vannett, Naeve, and Lyall. We are fortunate to have dealings with all the kingdoms since the royal family has returned. Trade has greatly improved.” She turned to the tray on the table. “We are especially happy for the coffee the castle keeps stocked for the queen.”Teagan looked at the tray laden with plates of fruit, toast, and what appeared to be oatmeal. A steaming cup rested next to a glass goblet with what looked like apple juice. “I’ve never heard of any of those places, but Seodrass sounds familiar.”“Coffee?” Alannah asked and held up the cup. “Cream? Sugar?”The young woman waited for an answer, but Teagan simply stared. Why did the name Seodrass sound so familiar? “Seodrass, Seodrass,” she murmured. She sucked in a breath. “That video game. It’s called Seodrass.”“What is a video game?”Teagan saw no guile in Alannah’s eyes. Instead, she saw genuine confusion. “I have to get out of here,” Teagan said, her palms damp as she rose.Alannah blocked her path to the large door on the other side of the room. “I’ve already sent for the rulers. They have asked you remain here until they can speak with you.”“I’m a prisoner?”“No, but you must remain here.”“Sounds like I’m a prisoner.”“But you are not a prisoner.”“Then let me out.”“No.”
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
The "California Incident"
had written this long, rambling blog post about my last trip to California for
work then I decided even I was bored and rolling my eyes at my whiny post. So I
trashed it and decided on a quick recap instead.
My flight,
for once, was great! Met some lovely women on the plane and had great
conversation about life and dogs and work and more. We even exchanged business
cards and cellphone numbers. I thought, “This trip is going to be great!”
Then I had
an extreme allergic reaction to something in the hotel where I stay every time I
travel to California for work. I ended up in the ER twice, became unresponsive
during the second visit, and spent the rest of the week and a half long trip on
steroids and antihistamines. That could have gone better.
Once I
switched hotels, the itching and burning that covered me from head to toe
finally started to get better, but it had been almost a full week before we
figured out the culprit. To say I was not on my A-game that week is an
But I’m
still thankful for the trip. It allowed me to see how great my coworkers in
that office are. They really rallied and came to my rescue. I can’t say thank
you enough to Terri and Diane for taking me to the ER and the drug store (they
each did this at separate times). And also to Diane for letting me wash my clothes
at her house while we were still trying to figure out the reason for my
and Facebook can be so depressing, but then sometimes in real life, people can
restore your faith in humanity in one day. Thank you, ladies! You truly went
above and beyond!
said all that, I’m waiting for an appointment with an allergist to further
pinpoint the issue. Good times! But hey, it could have been worse. And soon, I’ll
have more info.
yeah,” you say. “Where is book three, you slacker?”
question. I suck and am slow, but I want book three to blow you away, and I
think when I’m done hacking and slashing the rough draft, it will. I’m working
on it. Hang in there. And thanks for wanting it!
Have a
great week, everyone!
Friday, April 20, 2018
Interview with a Daeg: Love Advice From a Fantastical Medieval Warrior
As an author, I first met Daeg
during the height of a bloody civil war in the fantastical kingdom of Seodrass.
He was the leader of the knights and struggling to save his kingdom from an
evil tyrant. Though I saw a war-hardened veteran, I also felt he had a deep,
sensitive side to him. I decided to ask Daeg to help me give some advice to a
few people in our world regarding their romantic lives.
Me: Sir Daeg, thank you for helping
with this project.
Daeg: My pleasure, Person-I-Do-Not-Know.
Me: Let’s start with the first
dilemma. Dear Daeg, I am very conflicted and need help. I am a single woman who
recently started a new job. I work with a man I am very attracted to, but he’s
married. He seems very unhappy in his marriage. Do you think it would be okay if
I let him know I was interested in a relationship with him since he’s so
Daeg: No. Next question.
Me: Dear Daeg, I live in South
Carolina. I have recently been offered a music recording deal, but it would require
that I move to New York. I also just recently started dating a man. I think he
could be the one, but if I move, I’m sure it would kill the relationship. What
should I do?
Daeg: Are South Carolina and New
York close to each other?
Me: Not really. It’s expensive to fly
and driving would take an entire day.
Daeg: Your people can fly?
Me: Err, well we ride in vehicles
that fly so I guess.
Daeg: Amazing.
Me: Yeah, so what should she do?
Daeg: If she has only known this
person for a short period of time, she cannot truly know if she could love him
or not. Love requires an extensive courtship and time. She should accept the
deal. There will be other men.
Daeg: What is it?
Me: You have no idea what’s about to
hit you.
Daeg: What do you mean by this?
Me: (averting my gaze) Nothing. Let’s
just move on to the last question.
Me: Dear Daeg, I recently found out
my husband has been having an affair. I am stunned. I need advice on how to
handle this situation. What do you recommend?
Daeg: (reaches into boot top and
produces a dagger) I call this one Derrine after one of the castle servants.
She looks delicate, but she is formidable. I am willing to loan this to you to
take care of this situation as long as you clean it before you return it.
Daeg: (wicked grin)
Me: Welp, that’s it for now. Thanks,
Sir Daeg.
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